Past Cases
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Chester. A 6 year old 16.3 TB was presented to me with rotated pedal bones caused by trauma inflicted when jumping on hard ground with weak feet. Xray is of right front foot. Both front feet were affected.
Chester. A 6 year old 16.3 TB was presented to me with rotated pedal bones caused by trauma inflicted when jumping on hard ground with weak feet. Xray is of right front foot. Both front feet were affected.
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Chester. Shoes fell off leaving huge holes and very little foot to work with. Chester at this point was unable to stand without pain relief. The attending vet advised euthansia at 6 years old. The feet were treated for infection by myself and a light excercise regime started to stimulate growth.
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Chester. After 6 months Chester began light ridden work barefoot (photo was taken 6 months after treatment began). Chester, now a few years later is a bombproof hacking horse hacking for 4 hours barefoot and his owner would not be without him.